Pengukuran dan Penilaian
The Financial Education Measurement and Evaluation (FEME) Framework is designed to provide a structured outcome-based framework to measure and evaluate the impact of the financial education initiatives conducted by FEN on individuals and their financial well-being. It provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on what needs to be done, why it is important, and how to execute it.
Kaji Selidik
OECD/INFE 2023 International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy
Understanding current levels of financial literacy and needs is key for the effective development of financial literacy strategies and programmes. This report presents the results of an international survey of financial literacy levels among adults. A total of 39 countries and economies, of which 20 are OECD member countries, participated in this third coordinated measurement exercise using the globally recognized OECD/INFE 2022 Toolkit for Measuring Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion to measure financial literacy levels among their adult populations. Results provide information about financial literacy levels and cover aspects of financial knowledge, financial behaviour and financial attitudes. In addition, the report provides information on financial inclusion, digital financial literacy levels and levels of financial well-being among adults in the participating countries and economies.
Kaji Selidik Keupayaan dan Rangkuman Kewangan dari Segi Permintaan bagi Tahun 2021
Kaji Selidik Keupayaan dan Rangkuman Kewangan dari Segi Permintaan (Financial Capability and Inclusion Demand Side Survey, FCI) merupakan kaji selidik merentas seksyen yang dijalankan oleh Bank setiap tiga tahun.1 Kajian ini menilai tahap keupayaan kewangan rakyat Malaysia dengan mengukur tahap pengetahuan, tingkah laku dan sikap kewangan yang digunakan untuk membentuk Indeks Celik dan Keupayaan Kewangan Malaysia (Malaysia Financial Literacy and Capability Index, MYFLIC).
Kaji selidik terkini telah dijalankan pada suku keempat tahun 2021. Kaji selidik ini mencerminkan kesan pandemik COVID-19, seterusnya memberikan pemahaman tambahan tentang keadaan kewangan isi rumah rakyat Malaysia dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tahap keupayaan kewangan ketika negara mula pulih daripada kesan pandemik.